HAPL 43rd Annual Skeet Shoot
AUGUST 5, 2017
WHO: HAPL members and their spouses and guests. All guests should be associated with the oil and gas industry.
WHEN: August 5, 2017. Shooting begins promptly at 7:45 a.m. Shooters should be present thirty (30) minutes before assigned shooting times. Late shooters will be placed at the end of the shooting order and may shoot only if time and space permit.
WHERE: American Shooting Center (“ASC”), 16500 Westheimer Parkway. Telephone: (281) 556-8199.
ENTRY FEE: $100.00 for HAPL members and $125.00 for non-members. Fee includes 50 rounds of ammunition and all targets, lunch, beverages, cap and registration for door prizes. The barbecue lunch and beverages will be available to “non-shooting” HAPL members and their guests at a cost of $25.00 per person. Please make reservations for shooting or lunch only by sending in the form below, along with your check, by July 28, 2017. Please make checks payable to HAPL Skeet Shoot - 2017. To win door prizes, Shooters must be present. Registration Form.
LIMITED NUMBER: Registration shall be limited to the first 200 shooters’ entry forms that are received and paid.
REGISTRATION: Forms and fees are to be received no later than July 28, 2017. Preferred shooting times will be assigned in the order of registrations received. However, priority shall be given to Sponsors and HAPL Members. If you wish to shoot on the same five person squad with friends or guests, submit all names and entry fees on one application (no six person squads). Only the first person listed on the entry form will be notified of the assigned shooting time. That person will be responsible for notifying the other shooters.
REFUNDS: Because purchases and fees must be paid in advance, we will be unable to give refunds to registrants who are not able to attend.
SPONSORSHIPS: This event would not be possible without our generous sponsors. Please consider making a donation to support the continued success of the HAPL Skeet Shoot. Every sponsor is extremely important and your sponsorship would be greatly appreciated. Each Sponsor will have their name prominently displayed on a Sponsor Board. There will also be a raffle at the end of the event in which your generous contribution will be awarded.
American Shooting Centers
16500 Westheimer Pkwy
TX 77082