SPE International: Upstream Oil & Gas Professionals Hiring Event
Job Seekers
Job seekers’ registration opened on September 1st in four tranches to reduce congestion and improve your overall experience at the Event. The time slots are 8:30, 10, 11 & 12. The early bird 8:30 am slot is already sold out, however, the other four are still open, please click here. Do not forget to upload your resume at the SPE-GCS secure resume bank. Instructions on how to upload your resume and the secure link are located at each of the available registration time slots. As promised, we produced the video presentation from the long-time recruiter, Ramesh Anand, entitled, “Job Fair: Fare Well or Farewell”. He has shared many useful tips about how to maximize your effectiveness at job fairs. Click hereto watch the video.
Trini Mendenhall Community Center
1414 Wirt Rd
TX 77055