The Denver Annual Fall Institute
The Denver Association of Professional Landmen will hold its Annual Fall Institute on October 22, 2007. The HAPL will host the Houston site for this internet broadcast which will feature live, streaming video and sound.
The topics will include:
- Technical Writing for the Landman
- Alternative energy Options
- Broker Contacts
- Mountain States Legal Foundation
- Others to be determined
7 CPL credits will be applied for.
In Houston, the venue will be at the offices of Haynes and Boone law firm in downtown Houston. Registration fees are $75 per person (includes lunch, drinks and snacks).
Registration for this event (Houston site only) is available exclusively online from this site (to register follow the above yellow link).
Walk-ins will be admitted only if space is available. Walk-in registration fee is $150.00.
Seating is limited to 40 people.
For questions about this event, please contact Randy Browne at 713 547-2227.