Paul Strunk and Patrick Nye with American Shoreline, Inc. located in Corpus Christi will present an overview of the Wind Energy Business and the company’s current Wind Farm Projects in North America.
Penascal - First Wind Farm on the Gulf Coast
Lease - Largest Single Lease in Texas?
Wind Measurement
Birds & Permitting
Local Issues - Property Rights
Construction & Development
Other Projects
Present and Future Challenges
Mr. Strunk, President of American Shoreline, Inc. graduated from Kansas State University with a Masters Degree in Geology. He has been actively involved in oil and gas exploration for over forty years. Paul has held numerous offices in both the Corpus Christ Geological Society and the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, having served as President of both organizations. He has also served as treasurer of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and as chairman of the AAPG Trustee Associates. Paul is an active member of SIPES and has served as a past director.
Mr. Nye, Vice President of American Shoreline, Inc has more than twenty-seven years of experience in oil and gas exploration and development on nearly every major geological producing trend throughout South Texas. He holds a Bachelors degree in Zoology from Texas Tech University. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from Texas A&I University in Kingsville, now known as Texas A&M Kingsville. Patrick has served as chairman on numerous committees with the Corpus Christi Geological Society and has served on the board as treasurer, vice president, president-elect, councilor and president. He is a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologist, South Texas Geological Society and the Coastal Bend Geophysical Society. Patrick currently serves as chairman of the Corpus Christi SIPES chapter.