Landman 101 Course (Tyler, Texas)

"Landman 101" is a seminar introducing the novice to the principals and processes of land, mineral, and royalty ownership, title search and oil and gas leasing - including preparation of leases, drafts, reports, and supporting documents. There will be a discussion of what happens to the lease from being signed by the Lessor until division orders are mailed. Also addressed, will be professional business conduct and practical information for working on the road and as an independent contractor.

Introduction - Why am I here?
Overview of the role of the Field Landman
Land and Mineral Ownership
Land Descriptions and Measurements
Types of Ownership
Mineral Ownership
Simple calculations of Mineral and Royalty Interests
Types of Conveyance and Transfer of Ownership
Probate, Administration and Intestate Succession
Discussion of Minerals vs. Royalty
The Oil, Gas & Mineral Lease
The Producer's 88 (7/69)
Basic Lease Terms and Provisions
Paid-Up vs. Rental
Common Addenda
Options to Extend Lease Term
Leasehold Interests, An Overview
Units and Pooled Tracts
HBP Lands
Simple Computations of Interest (Handout)
"Buy a Lease on this Tract"
Title Search
Making Your Title Notes
Chaining Title
Mineral Ownership Reports
Acquiring the Lease
The Lease Package and Supporting Documents
Preparing the Lease
Execution of the Lease
The Lease Package
The Lease Purchase Report
"The Journey", From Lease to Division Order - An Overview
Business Professionalism and Ethics
Your relationship with other land professionals
Workplace Courtesy
Benefits of your local Landman's Association
How to get and keep a job
What to ask your Broker
The "Road Warrior", a Survival Guide
Tools of the Trade
Dressing for the Job
Keep good records, for both clients and yourself
Save for a "rainy day"
Self-Employed = No Company Benefits
"You and the IRS"
How to survive bad motels and worse food or "This ain't no glamour job."
The HAPL is not a sponsor nor is associated with this course.  We have posted the course on our site for the benefit those seeking to further their education and knowledge of the energy industry.  All questions concerning this course should be directed to Landman 101 at 903.845.2807.

Organizer Landman 101


Sat, Mar. 14 - Sun, Mar. 15, 2009
8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Central
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Comfort Suites
200 W. Centennial Blvd
Lindale, Texas 75771