Sponsor the 2014 Shale Play Seminar and Social!
Thursday, October 2nd, 2014
(Permian Basin Shales, Eagle Ford, Bakken, Niobrara, Marcellus, Haynesville, Fayetteville, Barnett,Woodford and more)
October 2, 2014
9:00 - 9:55 “Trending Oil & Gas Litigation in Shale Plays” - Donald Jackson, Haynes & Boone
10:00 - 10:55 “Landmen at the Door” - Kevin Colosimo, Burleson LLP
11:00 - 11:55 “Area of Mutual Interest Clauses –Opportunities and Pitfalls” - Chris Champion – Norton, Rose & Fulbright
Luncheon Speaker
12:00 - 12:55 “Pro-Fracking” or “International Shale Plays” - Russell Schetroma – Steptoe & Johnson
1:00 - 1:55 “A Primer on and New Developments Regarding the Executive Right to Lease Mineral Rights” - Chris Kulander, Haynes & Boone
2:00 - 2:55 “Non-Executive Interests and Horizontal Pooling” - Eli Kiefaber, Kiefaber & Oliva
3:00 - 3:55 “Bridging the Data Gap between Headlines to Wellhead – An Analyst’s Perspective” - Phani Gadde, Wood McKenzie
4:00 - 4:55 “Relinquishment Act” - Ian F. McNeill, Kilburn Law Firm
Seminar will begin at 9:00 am and end at 5:00 pm.
Continental breakfast and box lunch will be provided.
Costs are $100 for HAPL members and $125 for non-members.
8 approved RPL/CPL credits and 1 of those being Ethics.
Parking is free.
The Houston Association of Professional Landmen (HAPL) Shale Play Seminar will be held Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 and the Shale Play Socialwill be held immediately following at JAX Grill at 1613 Shepherd Dr., Houston, Texas 77007. The social is an informal networking event in Houston dedicated to those individuals and companies that work in or have an interest in shale plays. The HAPL Shale Play Social proved to be a very successful networking event for shale players last year - there were hundreds in attendance! This event is made possible by our generous sponsors. Our goal is to make this year’s HAPL Shale Play Social an even greater networking success.
We are currently looking for sponsors. The Shale Play Seminar and the Shale Play Social committees work together and pool our fundraising. If your organization is interested in being a sponsor for these events, please contact Jonathan Click or Stephanie Sullivan. Your company will be recognized prominently with signage at the seminar and the social in addition to applicable sponsor level benefits described below:
Sponsor Levels:
Marque Level Sponsor - $2,000+
All the benefits of Platinum Sponsorship AND your firm’s name on JAX’s Marquee! – Limited availability! Deadline is September 19th!
Platinum Level Sponsor - $1,000+
All the benefits of Gold Sponsorship AND the ability to provide company gift items and/or a reasonably sized company banner to display at the social.
Gold Level Sponsor - $750+
Recognition at the events on the sponsor poster AND in the Newsletter.
Silver Level Sponsor - $500+
Recognition at the events on the sponsor poster AND in the Newsletter.
Bronze Level Sponsor - $250+
Recognition at the events on the sponsor poster
When you request a refund, include the credit-card number that you used to pay for the reservation and the confirmation e-mail you received when you paid. If you have lost that e-mail, send as much information as you can about the name and date of the event, the date that you paid, and how much you paid. Refunds cannot be made for reservations that were paid for, but not cancelled before the reservations deadline. When that happens, you are considered a no-show.