Oil & Gas Agreements: Joint Operations

The purpose of this Special Institute is to focus on what
is perhaps the most common contractual arrangement
among industry participants in the upstream oil and gas
industry – the joint operating agreement. This Institute is
the fourth in a series of conferences designed to address the
various agreements used in the oil and gas industry. The
first three institutes covered exploration; production and
marketing; and sales and financings – detailed manuals and
audiotapes are available from the Foundation.

On the first day, presentations will focus on the basics of
joint operations, defining the operator, property provisions,
drilling and development operations, liabilities of the parties,
insurance and other risk management issues, exhibits
to the agreement, and joint operations not adequately
covered by the typical agreement. Day two presentations
will cover marketing the production, enforcing the agreement,
coalbed methane properties and horizontal plays,
and joint operations on federal lands. The final two-hour
presentation will examine one of the most important
exhibits attached to a joint operating agreement – the
“Accounting Procedure” – and speakers will review its
history, development, and purpose; the new COPAS 2005
Model Accounting Procedure; and the audit process.
Presentations and papers will be both practical and
scholarly, and top-notch speakers from industry, private
law firms, and academia have been encouraged to provide
forms and/or checklists with their written materials.
Presentations will consider the various applicable legal
principles, and papers will be thorough and well-researched,
providing an invaluable reference resource for years to
come. We also hope to have a comprehensive appendix of
joint operating agreement forms as part of the course
materials.  The practical focus of the presentations should provide
newcomers with valuable insights into how joint operating
agreements really work, and will also provide new ideas
and a comprehensive update to those more experienced,
while refreshing their understanding of the underlying
concepts. This institute offers approximately 13.5 hours of
CLE/CPL credit, including one ethics credit.
The conference concludes at 3pm on Friday, allowing
attendees either to return home on Friday afternoon or to
enjoy the delights of Santa Fe. The Foundation has
obtained very reasonable rates at the Eldorado Hotel –
$169 per night ($139 at Casa Pueblo, an affiliated
property), plus a small block of rooms at government
rates. Spouses and guests of attendees are welcome at the
hosted reception on Thursday evening. We hope you can
join us in Santa Fe for the very practical and educational
networking opportunity.
Registration - Go to the RMMLF website www.rmmlf.org

Organizer Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation


Thu, May. 17 - Fri, May. 18, 2007
8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Central
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Eldorado Hotel
Santa Fe, NM