Saturday, October 15 2016

8 AM - 12 PM
Saturday, Oct 15, 2016 8 a.m.
HAPL Event


$60 For HAPL Members

$70 For Non-HAPL Members

$80 For Walk-Up Registration (HAPL Member & Non-Member)



4 RPL/CPL, One of those being 1 Ethics credit


Speakers & Topics:


Austin Brister – McGinnis Lochridge & Kilgore LLP – “Royalty Litigation - an Overview of Current Trends”

This presentation will provide an overview of royalty clause construction, historical evolution of royalty case law, and a sampling of current trends in royalty litigation. Topics will include post-production cost deduction, the significance of a valuation point, failure to pay royalty claims, underpayment of royalty claims, and overpayment of royalty claims.


Ryan Kirby – Kirby, Mathews & Walrath, PLLC – “Anatomy of the Confusing and Difficult Oil & Gas Lease Provisions”

This presentation will review and analyze the various provisions of the oil and gas lease with an emphasis on those that are the most confusing and difficult.


Alex Kuiper – Kuiper, Wheat & Associates – “The Mineral Receivership, Texas' Solution to the Unknown, Undivided Mineral Interest Owner”

A Receivership is a legal remedy whereby a person (i.e. a “receiver”) is appointed by the court to take custody of the assets of another (E.g. an unknown mineral interest owner), and hold those assets until the other person is found or otherwise restored to a state of financial responsibility.  This mechanism is useful and important to E&P companies to obtain leases, ratifications, and other instruments from individuals it is unable to locate.


Jennifer Hardin – ConocoPhillips Company – “Ethics & Antitrust Concerns”

During this session, we will review: (1) antitrust requirements relevant to public bidding and dealings with landowners; and (2) relevant parts of the AAPL Code of Ethics.  We will use the enforcement actions against Chesapeake and Gunnison/SGI as case studies.



If you make a reservation, pay for it, and later decide to cancel it before the reservation deadline, you can apply for a refund through the HAPL Office.   We must receive your request to cancel your registration in writing by email at or fax at  713-622-3723.  You will receive the total amount charged minus a $5.00 credit card processing fee.  The deadline for this event is Thursday, October 13, 2016 @ 5:00 p.m.

When you request a refund, include the name and date of the event, and how much you paid.  Refunds cannot be made for reservations that were paid for, but not cancelled before the reservations deadline. When that happens, you are considered a no-show.
All pre-registered members/guests for this event that have not prepaid and do not attend will be billed as a no-show.


