We look forward to seeing you there!
Registration is limited to the first 90 registrants.
If you make a reservation, pay for it, and later decide to cancel it before the reservation deadline, you can apply for a refund through the HAPL Office. We must receive your request to cancel your registration in writing by email at hapl@hapl.org or fax at 713-622-3723. You will receive the total amount charged minus a $5.00 credit card processing fee. The deadline for this event is Wednesday, September 28 @ 12:00 p.m.
The Houston Association of Professional Landmen (HAPL) Shale Play Seminar and the Shale Play Social will be held Thursday, September 29th, 2016 in Highland Village at Smith & Wollensky, 4007 Westheimer Rd., Houston Texas, 77027. The social is an informal networking event in Houston dedicated to those individuals and companies that work in or have an interest in shale plays. The HAPL Shale Play Social proved to be a very successful networking event for shale players last year - there were hundreds in attendance! This event is only made possible by our generous sponsors. Our goal is to make this year’s HAPL Shale Play Social an even greater networking success. The Social will be held on the entire second floor of Smith & Wollensy.
Sponsor the 2016 Shale Play Seminar and Social!
Thursday, September 29th, 2016
(Permian Basin Shales, Eagle Ford, Bakken, Niobrara, Marcellus, Haynesville, Fayetteville, Barnett, Woodford and more)
The Houston Association of Professional Landmen (HAPL) Shale Play Seminar and the Shale Play Social will be held Thursday, September 29th, 2016 in Highland Village at Smith and Wollensky, 4007 Westheimer Rd., Houston, Texas, 77027. The social is an informal networking event in Houston dedicated to those individuals and companies that work in or have an interest in shale plays. The HAPL Shale Play Social proved to be a very successful networking event for shale players last year - there were hundreds in attendance! This event is only made possible by our generous sponsors. Our goal is to make this year’s HAPL Shale Play Social an even greater networking success. The Social will be held on the entire second floor of Smith and Wollensky.
We are currently looking for sponsors. The Shale Play Seminar and the Shale Play Social committees work together and pool our fundraising. If your organization is interested in being a sponsor for these events, please contact Jonathan Click (see next page). Your company will be recognized prominently with signage at t he seminar and the social in addition to applicable sponsor level benefits described below:
Sponsor Levels:
Platinum Level Sponsor - $1,000+
All the benefits of Gold Sponsorship AND the ability to provide company gift items and/or a reasonably sized company banner to display at the social.
Gold Level Sponsor - $750+
Recognition at the events on the sponsor poster AND in the Newsletter.
Silver Level Sponsor - $500+
Recognition at the events on the sponsor poster AND in the Newsletter.
Bronze Level Sponsor - $250+
Recognition at the events on the sponsor poster.
Landman Level Sponsor - $100+
Recognition at the events on the sponsor poster
Thank you in advance for helping us to continue to make this event one of HAPL's premier socials.
We look forward to seeing you there!