** If you register for the seminar, you do not need to register for the reception **
Mike Celata – Financial Assurance – BOEM
Jim Raney – 20ksi Technology – Anadarko
Nadege Assale – IBLA Appeals – Slattery, Marino & Roberts Law Firm
Kevin Bruce – Offshore Update – Fieldwood

If you make a reservation, pay for it, and later decide to cancel it before the reservation deadline, October 13, 2017, you can apply for a refund through the HAPL Office. We must receive your request to cancel your registration in writing by email at
hapl@hapl.org or fax at 713-622-3723. You will receive the total amount charged minus a $5.00 credit card processing fee.
When you request a refund, include the credit-card number that you used to pay for the reservation and the confirmation e-mail you received when you paid. If you have lost that e-mail, send as much information as you can about the name and date of the event, the date that you paid, and how much you paid. Refunds cannot be made for reservations that were paid for, but not cancelled before the reservations deadline. When that happens, you are considered a no-show.
All pre-registered members/guests for this event that have not prepaid and do not attend will be billed as a no-show.